tag archives: browser
Fiery Skies
I have a huge collection of sunset and sunrise photos from various journeys or just from simple strolls through the neighborhood with my camera.
Always on the verge of kitsch, but just not yet, for ... more »
This is a nice one.
A work of game art by UBERMORGEN.COM, and an homage to mid-90s net art.
Clickistan resides between the 7th and 8th bit of every byte
it is ruled by generosity and playful curiosity
its ... more »
I’m loving it.
This is a photographic tribute to the Prater, Vienna's traditional and controversial fun fair.
Actually it's the attempt to save a personal image of the place as it looked like in late summer 2004, just ... more »
index tales
An interactive net project that generates text streams with pseudo meaning out of Google queries.
This project was my second work on the topic of search engines, their role as content gates and filters ... more »
A net project that uses a search engine as an algorithm for generating auto text streams / web poetry.
Two different version of the project's "endlos engine" create different types of text streams. This ... more »