tag archives: photography
Military ruins near Dębina
Fiery Skies
I have a huge collection of sunset and sunrise photos from various journeys or just from simple strolls through the neighborhood with my camera.
Always on the verge of kitsch, but just not yet, for ... more »
The following pictures have been taken on the Albona mountain in the Austrian Alps, sometime in late march 2015. I was up on the mountain during rather bad weather conditions and after a while, even fog ... more »
Pinocchio Park
In the heart of Tuscany, Italy lies a small village called Collodi. It happened to be the birthplace of Carlo Lorenzini’s mother. Carlo himself spent a major part of his childhood there and later became ... more »
How everyday things change
"Vorher Nachher" is a project by Christian Thomas.
It tries to document changes to everyday consumer goods by collecting photographies of different label designs of the objects.
Die Kulisse unseres ... more »
pieces of berlin
Pieces of berlin is a photoblog by Florian Reischauer about Berlin and its people.
I especially like the fact that the artist works with an old medium format camera and expired films - it gives a very ... more »
Featuring images made since 2006 from various selected source photographies, horiçon incorporates a simple digital transformation technique – resulting in a densation and reduction of information and ... more »
La Chanson Emil
This is not by me, I just saved it.
Internet celebrity from a different angle.
We were using the google image search engine to search for first names of celebrities. Then we picked the non celebrities among the top search results.
Celebrity ... more »